Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Sains & Teknologi REVIEW: Samsung Galaxy Note Stylus pen menjadikan penggunanya bebas berkreasi di smartphone 5,3 inch ini.

Di tengah-maraknya kemunculan tablet, Samsung menghadirkan Galaxy Note, perangkat yang disebut sebagai kombinasi tablet dengan smartphone. Dengan Galaxy Note, Samsung terkesan berusaha menghadirkan produk yang memadukan keunggulan komunikasi smartphone dengan fitur yang terdapat pada tablet.

Ini merupakan varian produk yang terbilang muncul tanpa pesaing, setidaknya hingga sekarang. Untuk smartphone, Samsung masih mengandalkan Galaxy S II dan Galaxy Nexus sebagai pesaing iPhone. Sedangkan untuk tablet, Samsung masih mengandalkan Galaxy Tab dalam berbagai ukuran, untuk menyaingi iPad.

Dengan demikian, Galaxy Note tentu menjadi pilihan bagi orang yang menginginkan kemampuan yang lebih dari smartphone, tapi memiliki ukuran dan fungsi layaknya smartphone. Saat Samsung menghadirkan Galaxy Tab 7.0, sebenarnya produk itu pun terbilang sukses untuk menjawab solusi itu. Tapi, Galaxy Tab dengan ukuran layar 7.0 inch dianggap terlalu besar jika digunakan untuk menelpon dengan cara digenggam.

Lalu seperti apa perpaduan smartphone dengan tablet di Galaxy Note yang memiliki tagline"Phone? Tablet? It's Galaxy Note!"? Berikut ulasannya:

Fisik dan Desain
Tampilan dan desain Galaxy Note selintas memang memperlihatkan sisi elegan produk ini. Tapi ketika disentuh, kesan elegan itu sedikit luntur, karena body Note yang terbuat dari plastik.
Ukurannya yang sebesar 5,29 inch memang lebih besar dibanding smartphone lain. Misalnya Galaxy S II yang 4,3 inch atau iPhone 4S yang 3,5 inch. Tapi ukuran ini terbilang menyusahkan saat dibawa, dan sesak saat dikantongi. Menggenggam Galaxy Note juga terbilang tidak nyaman.

Bentuknya yang kompak masih terlihat elegan dengan sudut curve. Tampilan antar-muka atauuser-interface terkesan sederhana, dengan hanya menempatkan tombol home sebagai panel sentuh. Stylus pun tersisip secara elegan. Sehingga, tidak mengganggu desain secara keseluruhan.

Layar Galaxy Note menggunakan Super AMOLED dengan capacitive touchsreen. Resolusi yang digunakan pun tinggi, 800 x 1280 pixels, di 16 juta warna.
Layarnya yang besar memungkinkan banyak fitur bisa ditempatkan di muka, dari mesin pencari  Google, informasi waktu dan cuaca, ikon-ikon aplikasi, hingga fitur khusus S Memo dan S Planner, yang digunakan bersama pen stylus.  Secara default, ada tujuh halaman yang bisa digeser, tapi halaman-halaman ini bisa dikustomisasi, juga dengan aplikasi yang bisa diatur ukuran icon di tampilan layar. Adapun user interface-nya menggunakan TouchWiz, dan luas 5x5 ikondi home screen.
Luas layar juga menjadikan Note enak dijadikan tempat berkreasi dengan menggunakan pen stylus, apalagi bermain game.
Performa dan Kinerja
Dengan prosesor dual core ARM Cortex A-9 1,4GHz, kecepatan proses Note sangat mengagumkan. Begitu pula dengan kecepatan grafis, dengan menggunakan GPU Mali-400 MP, ini menjadikan Note sangat nyaman digunakan untuk aplikasi apapun, apalagi yang membutuhkan spesifikasi besar.

Kami mencoba untuk memainkan game aplikasi "Captain America" produksi Marvel Games. Permainan terasa sangat lancar, tanpa jeda, tanpa patah-patah. Grafis dan suara yang dihasilkan pun sangat baik. Saat diuji benchmark, Galaxy Note terbukti sebagai jawara untuk kecepatan proses dan performa.

Tapi spesifikasi yang besar ini tidak terlalu berdampak dengan borosnya baterai. Jika digunakan secara terus menerus untuk bermain game atau browsing memang akan terlihat boros. Tapi dalam penggunaan normal, baterai Li-ion 2500 mAh ini mampu bertahan lebih dari satu hari, bahkan bisa bertahan lebih dari dua hari jika menggunakan aplikasi penghemat baterai seperti "Juice Defend Ultimate".

Untuk konektivitas, Galaxy Note mampu berjalan di jaringan 4G atau LTE. Tapi ini belum bisa kami uji, mengingat jaringan 4G belum tersedia secara komersial.
Sedangkan untuk internet, Note dilengkapi dengan GPPR, EDGE, HSDPA, HSUPA, dan WiFi. Walau kecepatan proses Note cepat, tapi akses internet bisa dibilang relatif. Karena akses internet tergantung provider yang digunakan.
Saat uji coba, kami menggunakan XL Unlimited Internet. Hasilnya bisa dianggap tak istimewa, karena kecepatan unduhnya hanya 472 kbps dan kecepatan unggahnya hanya 91 kbps.
Kelebihan lain Galaxy Note adalah kamera. Galaxt Note dilengkapi dengan kamera 8 MP dan kamera depan 2 MP. Sedangkan, videonya adalah 1080p Full HD, dengan kemampuan recording dan playback di resolusi 1080p.

Anda bisa mengedit hasil foto dan video dengan aplikasi "Photo Editor". Editan pun bisa dipermanis dengan gambar tangan atau teks, yang dibuat menggunakan stylus pen. Ini menjadikan pengguna Note bebas berkreasi.

Untuk Audio, suara yang dihasilkan Note cukup lumayan, begitu pula ketika didengar dengan speaker phone. File audio yang support pun cukup variatif, yaitu MP3, AAC, AMR, WMA, WAV, FLAC, OGG. Sedangkan format video yang support Note adalah MPEG4/ H.263/ H.264/ DivX, WMV, VC-1. 

Fitur Stylus dan Keunikan Lain
Stylus Pen, juga app khusus S Memo, tampaknya menjadi andalan Galaxy Note. Konsep stylus pen sebetulnya bukanlah konsep baru, karena juga digunakan HTC Flyer, tablet berukuran 7 inch. Fungsinya memang hampir sama, tapi stylus Note tidak butuh baterai seperti Flyer.

Seperti yang sudah dibahas sebelumnya, stylus pen membuat penggunanya akan lebih sering memanfaatkan Note untuk berkreasi. Misalnya, Anda bisa menggambar tanda hati sebagai pemanis foto Anda dengan pasangan. Atau, Anda bisa memberikan informasi lokasi meeting, dengan meng-capture screen dari Map, lalu melingkari lokasi itu.
Capture screen pun bisa dengan mudah dilakukan. Anda hanya tinggal menekan tombol kecil di sisi stylus, dan ketika ujung pen menyentuh layar, capture akan dilakukan secara otomatis.

Ini jelas sebuah kemudahan. Karena di sejumlah perangkat Android, Anda harus me-root terlebih dahulu untuk screen capture. Sedangkan di perangkat Android lain dari Samsung, Anda bisa menekan tombol "home" dan "back" secara bersamaan untuk screen capture. Tapi tentu lebih mudah screen capture di Galaxy Note, bukan.

Setelah menghadapi gugatan dari Apple, Samsung terlihat berbenah dan berusaha membuat teknologi yang sedikit berbeda dari iPhone. Misalnya untuk buka lockscreen, Note menggunakan sistem yang sama seperti tablet Honeycomb, dengan sistem lingkaran dan tidak lagi slide-to-unlock.

Selain itu, Note juga memiliki sejumlah sistem navigasi dan sistem sentuh yang berbeda. Misalnya saja, untuk zoom outatau zoom in, Anda hanya tinggal menggerakkan Note dengan gerakan tangan seperti memancing. Tapi Anda tetap bisa melakukan pinching untukzoom in atau zoom out.

Untuk screen capture pun Anda bisa melakukan tanpa menggunakan stylus. Dengan metode palm sweep (mengoles seluruh permukaan layar), screen capture pun akan bekerja.
Untuk spesifikasi lengkap Samsung Galaxy Note, Anda bisa lihat di tautan ini.

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Android Design

Creative Vision

Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) marks a major milestone for Android design. We touched nearly every pixel of the system as we expanded the new design approaches introduced in Honeycomb tablets to all types of mobile devices. Starting with the most basic elements, we introduced a new font, Roboto, designed for high-resolution displays. Other big changes include framework-level action bars on phones and support for new phones without physical buttons.
We focused the design work with three overarching goals for our core apps and the system at large. As you design apps to work with Android, consider these goals:

Enchant me

Beauty is more than skin deep. Android apps are sleek and aesthetically pleasing on multiple levels. Transitions are fast and clear; layout and typography are crisp and meaningful. App icons are works of art in their own right. Just like a well-made tool, your app should strive to combine beauty, simplicity and purpose to create a magical experience that is effortless and powerful.

Simplify my life

Android apps make life easier and are easy to understand. When people use your app for the first time, they should intuitively grasp the most important features. The design work doesn't stop at the first use, though. Android apps remove ongoing chores like file management and syncing. Simple tasks never require complex procedures, and complex tasks are tailored to the human hand and mind. People of all ages and cultures feel firmly in control, and are never overwhelmed by too many choices or irrelevant flash.

Make me amazing

It's not enough to make an app that is easy to use. Android apps empower people to try new things and to use apps in inventive new ways. Android lets people combine applications into new workflows through multitasking, notifications, and sharing across apps. At the same time, your app should feel personal, giving people access to superb technology with clarity and grace.

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Ice Cream Sandwich

Introducing Android 4.0

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) is the latest version of the Android platform for phones, tablets, and more. It builds on the things people love most about Android — easy multitasking, rich notifications, customizable home screens, resizable widgets, and deep interactivity — and adds powerful new ways of communicating and sharing.

Simple, Beautiful, Useful

Refined, evolved UI

Focused on bringing the power of Android to the surface, Android 4.0 makes common actions more visible and lets you navigate with simple, intuitive gestures. Refined animations and feedback throughout the system make interactions engaging and interesting. An entirely new typeface optimized for high-resolution screens improves readability and brings a polished, modern feel to the user interface.
Virtual buttons in the System Bar let you navigate instantly to Back, Home, and Recent Apps. The System Bar and virtual buttons are present across all apps, but can be dimmed by applications for full-screen viewing. You can access each application's contextual options in the Action Bar, displayed at the top (and sometimes also at the bottom) of the screen.
Multitasking is a key strength of Android and it's made even easier and more visual on Android 4.0. The Recent Apps button lets you jump instantly from one task to another using the list in the System Bar. The list pops up to show thumbnail images of apps used recently — tapping a thumbnail switches to the app.
The Recent Apps list makes multitasking simple.
Jump to the camera or see notifications without unlocking.
For incoming calls, you can respond instantly by text.
Rich and interactive notifications let you keep in constant touch with incoming messages, play music tracks, see real-time updates from apps, and much more. On smaller-screen devices, notifications appear at the top of the screen, while on larger-screen devices they appear in the System Bar.

Home screen folders and favorites tray

New home screen folders offer a new way for you to group your apps and shortcuts logically, just by dragging one onto another. Also, in All Apps launcher, you can now simply drag an app to get information about it or immediately uninstall it, or disable a pre-installed app.
The All Apps launcher (left) and resizable widgets (right) give you apps and rich content from the home screen.
On smaller-screen devices, the home screen now includes a customizable favorites tray visible from all home screens. You can drag apps, shortcuts, folders, and other priority items in or out of the favorites tray for instant access from any home screen.

Resizable widgets

Home screens in Android 4.0 are designed to be content-rich and customizable. You can do much more than add shortcuts — you can embed live application content directly through interactive widgets. Widgets let you check email, flip through a calendar, play music, check social streams, and more — right from the home screen, without having to launch apps. Widgets are resizable, so you can expand them to show more content or shrink them to save space.

New lock screen actions

The lock screens now let you do more without unlocking. From the slide lock screen, you can jump directly to the camera for a picture or pull down the notifications window to check for messages. When listening to music, you can even manage music tracks and see album art.

Quick responses for incoming calls

When an incoming call arrives, you can now quickly respond by text message, without needing to pick up the call or unlock the device. On the incoming call screen, you simply slide a control to see a list of text responses and then tap to send and end the call. You can add your own responses and manage the list from the Settings app.

Swipe to dismiss notifications, tasks, and browser tabs

Android 4.0 makes managing notifications, recent apps, and browser tabs even easier. You can now dismiss individual notifications, apps from the Recent Apps list, and browser tabs with a simple swipe of a finger.
A spell-checker lets you find errors and fix them faster.
A powerful voice input engine lets you dictate continuously.

Improved text input and spell-checking

The soft keyboard in Android 4.0 makes text input even faster and more accurate. Error correction and word suggestion are improved through a new set of default dictionaries and more accurate heuristics for handling cases such as double-typed characters, skipped letters, and omitted spaces. Word suggestion is also improved and the suggestion strip is simplified to show only three words at a time.
To fix misspelled words more easily, Android 4.0 adds a spell-checker that locates and underlines errors and suggests replacement words. With one tap, you can choose from multiple spelling suggestions, delete a word, or add it to the dictionary. You can even tap to see replacement suggestions for words that are spelled correctly. For specialized features or additional languages, you can now download and install third-party dictionaries, spell-checkers, and other text services.

Powerful voice input engine

Android 4.0 introduces a powerful new voice input engine that offers a continuous "open microphone" experience and streaming voice recognition. The new voice input engine lets you dictate the text you want, for as long as you want, using the language you want. You can speak continously for a prolonged time, even pausing for intervals if needed, and dictate punctuation to create correct sentences. As the voice input engine enters text, it underlines possible dictation errors in gray. After dictating, you can tap the underlined words to quickly replace them from a list of suggestions.
Data usage controls let you monitor total usage by network type and application and then set limits if needed.

Control over network data

Mobile devices can make extensive use of network data for streaming content, synchronizing data, downloading apps, and more. To meet the needs of you with tiered or metered data plans, Android 4.0 adds new controls for managing network data usage.
In the Settings app, colorful charts show the total data usage on each network type (mobile or Wi-Fi), as well as amount of data used by each running application. Based on your data plan, you can optionally set warning levels or hard limits on data usage or disable mobile data altogether. You can also manage the background data used by individual applications as needed.

Designed for accessibility

A variety of new features greatly enhance the accessibility of Android 4.0 for blind or visually impaired users. Most important is a new explore-by-touch mode that lets you navigate without having to see the screen. Touching the screen once triggers audible feedback that identifies the UI component below; a second touch in the same component activates it with a full touch event. The new mode is especially important to support users on new devices that use virtual buttons in the System Bar, rather than dedicated hardware buttons or trackballs. Also, standard apps are updated to offer an improved accessibility experience. The Browser supports a script-based screen reader for reading favorite web content and navigating sites. For improved readability, you can also increase the default font size used across the system.
The accessibility experience begins at first setup — a simple touch gesture during setup (clockwise square from upper left) activates all accessibility features and loads a setup tutorial. Once accessibility features are active, everything visible on the screen can be spoken aloud by the standard screen reader.